Aseptic seals are mainly used in chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries
Without any doubt, the main seal is the O-ring, the most known, worldwide used and, many other times, the seal JIOrings identifies itself with. Nevertheless, when it comes to chemical or pharmaceutical applications, aseptic seals provide tightness to the flange and the tube fitting as well as the necessary hygiene.
At JIOrings we offer a wide range of seals and each one is ready to use under any circumstance. Actually, seals may be extremely important in certain situations as the materials they have been manufactured with must be the appropriate ones for being used in biotechnological and pharmaceutical processes that required a high level of hygiene and asepsis. And there is exactly where our seals come into play.
Aseptic seals or Hygienic Seals are mainly used in chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. These fields are normally highlighted because they manufacture and commercialize products in large scale, and if any were about to be modified, the product would turn out to be defective and almost useless.
For that reason, it is of paramount importance to use the best aseptic seal so that everything remains correct and precise in these industries. At JIOrings we offer the best aseptic seals: we make them in different materials, compositions and colors. All of them are homologized by the FDA norm and have the UPS Class VI certification; besides, there are many other homologations from important national and international suppliers.
On the one hand, we offer winged clamp seals (its wing prevent the seal from falling off when it is opened) and, on the other hand, we have D-Rings, available in different materials, such as EPDM, NBR, VMQ, FPM, CR, EPDM peroxide and PTEE.
If necessary, you can always get more information in order to get to know deeper our asepsis seals. However, if you want to require a quotation or shop directly you are in the best place.