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FPM-Viton® O-Rings

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FPM-Viton® O-Rings availability

O-Ring Material Hardness Temperature Check stock availability
Junta tórica O-Ring FPM 50 – 90 SH A -20 to +200/+220 ºC

FPM-Viton® O-Rings, elasticity and resistance

FPM-Viton® O-Rings are sealing rings for high temperature applications and/or in contact with agressive chemical products. Among the whole synthetic rubbers, FPM-Viton® is the most resistant to halifaticaromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons.

Viton® is a Chemours’ trademark and is a thermopolymer of hexafluorpropilene, with fluoride of vynilidene, tetrafluoroethylene and etherperfluor methyl Vynil. Its international abbrevation is FPM or FKM (Fluorocarbone monomer).

Properties and advantages

FPM-Viton® O-Rings offer great resistance to:

  1. Ozone, weather and UV rays
  2. Acids, alcalyse, oils et greases
  3. This kind of seals offers very good compression set values at high temperature
  4. In addition, they do not spread flame so that they are auto-extinguishable

FPM-Viton® has however a weak resistance to:

  1. Esthers and ketones

About FPM-Viton®

Viton® is a fluoroelastomer obtained from the derivation of synthetic rubber and fluoropolymer elastomer. O-Rings made of this material provide enhanced resilience and increased resistance to aggressive fluids.

Standard FPM compounds, O-Rings stock availability

Material Compound Hardness Colour Download
FPM-Viton® OZVA7523K-134396 75 Black Data sheet
FPM OZM410-121294 for gas 75 Black Data sheet
FPM OZ819001-122920 80 Brown Data sheet
FPM OZM408-121294 70 Green Data sheet

Special FPM compounds, O-Rings on request

Name Material Kind Hardness [SHORE] Color Temperature [°C] Approvals
FPM 98 nero FPM A 98 black -25 to +230 (+250) Copolymer, Oil/ gas applications
FPM 98 ED FPM B 98 black -27 to +230 (+250) Oil/ gas applications,
Anti-explosive decompression AED,
BS EN ISO 23936-2
FPM 98 TER FPM B 98 black -25 to +230 (+250) Terpolymer,
Oil/ gas applications
FPM 98 PLT FPM PLT 98 black -40 to +225 (+250) PLT low temperature
FPM 98 GF FPM P 98 black -25 to +230 (+250) Peroxyde-cured, Oil/ gas applications
FPM 98 PLT/ED FPM PLT 98 black -41 to +225 (+250) PLT low temperature,
Anti-explosive decompression AED
FPM 98 HFLT FPM PLT 98 black -37 to +230 (+250) Low temperature, High chemical resistance
FPM 98 GFLT®ED FPM PFLT 98 black -37 to +230 (+250) Low temperature, High chemical resistance,
Anti-explosive decompression AED
FPM 98 GF/ED FPM P 98 black -25 to +230 (+250) Peroxyde-cured, Oil/ gas applications,
Anti-explosive decompression AED,
FPM 98 GBL FPM P 98 black -20 to +230 (+250) Peroxyde-cured, High mechanical performance
FPM 98 LT50/ED FPM PLT 98 black -50 to +225 (+250) Ultra low temperature,
Anti-explosive decompression AED
FPM 98 LT60/ED FPM PLT 98 black -55  to +225 (+250) Ultra low temperature,
Anti-explosive decompression AED
FPM 90 black FPM A 90 black -15 to +200 Standard application,
FPM 90 green FPM A 90 verde -15 to +200 Standard application,
FPM 90 extreme FPM APA 90 black -20 to +250 High resistance – ETP DU PONT
FPM 90 brown FPM A 90 marrón -15 to +200 Standard application,
FPM 90 marrone FPM A 90 marrón -25 to +240 MIL R 83248
FPM 90 LT40/ED FPM PLT 90 black -41 to +220 Anti-explosive decompression AED,
Low temperature
High pressure resistance
Very good behaviour to Methanol
NORSOK M710 (rapid gas decompression),
Shell MESC SPE 85/301
FPM 90 PH FPM P 90 black -20 to +230 Peroxyde-cured, good compression, Set
low temperature
FPM 90 WR FPM A 90 black -25 to +230 WRC-NSF BS 6920:2000
FPM 90 nero BH FPM A 90 black -25 to +230 BOSCH N28 GW1390-90-63-27-10
FPM 90 verde FPM A 90 verde 15 to +200 Standard application
FPM 90 nero FPM A 90 black -25 to +230 (+250) CUMMINS 23224
BAM (150°C – 40 bars Oxygen)
FPM 90 ED FPM B 90 black -27 to +230 (+250) Anti-explosive decompression AED,
Oil/ gas applications,
NORSOK M710 (rapid gas decompression),
NACE TM0187 (sour gas environment), 5% H2S
NACE TM0187 (sour gas environment), 20% H2S
API6A (sour gas environment), 10% H2S
Sour fluid test Arrhenius ISO 23936-2/NORSOK M710-3
Life prediction & AED test – Arrhenius ISO 23936-2
FPM 90 TER FPM B 90 black 25 to +230 (+250) Terpolymer,
Oil/ gas applications
FPM 90 PLT FPM PLT 90 black -40 to +225 (+250) PLT
Excelente, low temperature
FPM 90 GF FPM P 90 black -25 to +230 (+250) Peroxyde-cured, Oil/ gas applications
FPM 90 PLT/ED FPM PLT 90 black -41 to +220 (+250) Anti-explosive decompression AED,
Low temperature
NORSOK M710 (rapid gas decompression),
ITN 84700/A (rapid gas decompression),
NACE TM0187 (sour gas environment), 5% H2S
NACE TM0187 (sour gas environment), 20% H2S
Sour fluid test Arrhenius ISO 23936-2/NORSOK M710-3
Life prediction & AED test – Arrhenius ISO 23936-2
MESC SPE 85/301
FPM 90 HFLT FPM PLT 90 black -37 to +230 (+250) Low temperature, High chemical resistance
FPM 90 GFLT® ED FPM GFLT 90 black -40 to +230 (+250) Excelente, Low temperature, High chemical resistance,
Anti-explosive decompression AED,
NORSOK M710 (descompresión rápida de gas),
NACE TM0187 (ambiente de gas agrio), 20% H2S
API6A (ambiente de gas agrio), 10% H2S
Sour fluid test Arrhenius ISO 23936-2/NORSOK M710-3
FPM 90 GF/ED FPM P 90 black -18 to +230 (+250) Peroxyde-cured, Oil/ gas applications,
Anti-explosive decompression AED,
FPM 90 GBL FPM P 90 black -20 to +230 (+250) Peroxyde-cured, High mechanical performance
FPM 90 LT50/ED FPM PLT 90 black -51 to +225 (+250) Ultra low temperature,
Anti-explosive decompression AED,
NORSOK M710 (rapid gas decompression),
NACE TM0187 (sour gas environment), 5% H2S
FPM 90 LT60/ED FPM PLT 90 black -61 to +225 (+250) Ultra low temperature,
Anti-explosive decompression AED,
NORSOK M710 (rapid gas decompression),
NACE TM0187 (sour gas environment), 5% H2S
NACE TM0187 (Environnement de gas aigre), 20% H2S
API6A (sour gas environment), 10% H2S
Sour fluid test Arrhenius ISO 23936-2/NORSOK M710-3
FPM 90 BR ED FPM P 90 black -30 to +240 Oil / Steam
Anti-explosive decompression AED,
NORSOK M710 (rapid gas decompression),
NACE TM0187 (sour gas environment), 5% H2S
NACE TM0187 (Environnement de gas aigre), 20% H2S
API6A (sour gas environment), 10% H2S
Sour fluid test Arrhenius ISO 23936-2/NORSOK M710-3
Life prediction & AED test – Arrhenius ISO 23936-2