Water-responsible O-Rings
Water is a limited asset, one of the most important resources we have and which we need to manage and take care of accordingly.
We use large amounts of water for domestic purposes every day – for drinking, showering, flushing, cooking, mopping…. Indeed, according to the INE (National Institute of Statistics), the consumption of water in Spanish homes is 132 litres per person per day.
Moreover, water is also vital for industry (as an ingredient for the product to be manufactured and as part of the production process) and for agriculture (irrigation) too.
Whatever the use, we at JIOrings help companies (desalination plants, water suppliers, drinking water treatment plants, irrigation firms…) to achieve optimum watertightness in water piping to ensure there are no leaks. The watertight properties of our O-Rings designed for water piping valves and accessories ensure that not a single drop is wasted.
To this end, we analyse each company´s needs and supply the ideal O-Ring for each use. The size, cross-section, hardness and material of the product, in addition to the required approvals, will vary in accordance with the needs of each individual customer. All our years of experience enable us to meet the needs of water suppliers through the annual programming of their most common measurements. Furthermore, to manufacture and supply special sized seals.
We also market the star mix for the sector related to the supply and treatment of water: LPM534 EDPM FDA for DRINKING WATER.
O-Rings installed in valves, pumps, piping and similar applications should be resistant to the fluid itself without the need to add any ingredient or alter the essential characteristics of the product being conveyed, such as the colour, smell or flavour.
This mix, approved by the German Environmental Agency (Umwelt Bundesamt, UBA), complies with all the hygiene and toxicology requirements established by this agency and those of European Regulation CE/1935/2004.
We at JIOrings adapt to each of our customer´s requirements and the standard in relation to O-Rings in each country. We always attach the corresponding certificate attesting to our compliance, thereby guaranteeing the suitability of our O-Rings for each specific purpose.